Sooke, the earliest settled district of British Columbia, was named for the “Soke” First Nations people of the area. The first meeting held to discuss the formation of a Lodge in Sooke was in the home of the local dentist. The property had a splendid view of nearby Mount Shepherd, just off the highway between Sooke and Victoria. At this organization meeting, the founding Worshipful Master, Brother Chris A. Helgeson, suggested Mount Shepherd as the name because of the location of the Lodge and because “it reminded him of that most beautiful of all the Songs of King David, the Twenty-Third Psalm: “the Lord is my shepherd…”.
In 1954, the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother William Curran, issued a dispensation for the creation of the new Lodge, The Lodge was instituted by the District Deputy Grand Master for District 21 as Mount Shepherd Lodge. He reported on the most friendly and cordial attitude of the petitioners on several visits during the period of the Lodge being under dispensation.
On June 19, 1954, Grand Lodge ordered the continuance of the dispensation until the next regular Communication, and on June 22, 1955, Grand Lodge subsequently ordered a Warrant of Constitution for Mount Shepherd Lodge No. 159. On September 27, 1955, the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Karl Warwick, constituted the Lodge.
Mount Shepherd Lodge, a daughter of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 at Victoria, initially adopted the Emulation work for its ritual. With the influence of brethren moving to the area from Lodges that practiced other rituals, Mount Shepherd Lodge later chose to adopt the Canadian ritual.
Mount Shepherd Lodge provides assistance to the Sooke Food Bank, and regularly provides access to the Lodge hall for community activities. The Lodge Brethren have contributed efforts to provide a summer barbeque for the residents of Ayre Manor Seniors’ Housing and has a limited supply of medical equipment available for use in the community. We are involved in the provincial government’s Adopt-a-Highway program and “own” the segment from Cooper’s Cove to the Sooke River.
The Royal Arch Pacific Rim Chapter No. 44, which meets in this building as well, contributes to the Royal Arch Bursary Fund, the Royal Arch Masonic Home and the Keystone of Life Foundation.
6544 Throup Road, Sooke, British Columbia V9Z 0W6, Canada